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Category: Networking

BGP roles in BIRD

BGP roles in BIRD

BGP roles for route leak prevention Not long ago (May 2022 according to the document) a new RFC on BGP was published. This one, numbered 9234, is about route leak detection and prevention. We all know what to do to prevent route leaks and MANRS is doing a great job here, spreading the word about filtering, RPKI and other related stuff. However, this does not stop all the disturbances and especially leaks to happen all over the Internet. Qrator, for…

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Self-hosted IPsec server for Android smartphone

Self-hosted IPsec server for Android smartphone

As censorship in Russia tighten, it become hard to access information on Internet. Depending on how ISP implements Russian laws it can not only block list of URLs provided by government, but also do a collateral damage, implementing some rough methods like blocking by IP. And since encrypted client hello (ECH) [1] coming to web servers all over the world, it probably will be worse.So from time to time I found that some links that I follow from HN, Reddit,…

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Network Equipment: Transceivers

Network Equipment: Transceivers

So what’s becoming a new hot topic in the industry nowadays? SD-WAN? IBN? Maybe service meshes? Maybe… but how about not to confuse OSPF with OSFP? Try to say OSFP three times out loud! I even can’t write this on first try. So, it was quite a while from my previous post and that time I choose to write not usual type of post with configs and code, but to deal with some inventory stuff. Today we gonna look at…

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L3VPN on Linux

L3VPN on Linux

Today we are going to dive into MPLS service known as L3VPN. If you don’t familiar with either MPLS or L3VPN I highly recommend you this two books: “MPLS fundamentals” [1] and “MPLS in SDN era” [2]. But for this post I assume you have at least basic understanding of both technologies. They are not new things and chances pretty high that network engineers will meet them early in they career, so why another post? Can we just go and…

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Network automation with nornir

Network automation with nornir

In this blog post I will switch to a coding, but not run anywhere from networking. I’m going to implement some automation for frequent day to day task. Tasks automation in networking Speaking of automation, which became a hot topic in networking in last  years, what are the options to get the job done in a programmatic way? Taking a high-level view on it you probably can divide all the tools in two types. First one is programming language libraries….

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Routing with BIRD

Routing with BIRD

As I mentioned in previous post I will like to dive into some Linux traffic routing and forwarding. So today we will be looking at one of routing daemons available for *nix OSes – BIRD. What it is BIRD is a routing daemon targeted at Linux and BSD distros supported by cz.nic, Czech domain name registry, which are responsible for a number of other very interesting projects [1]. Daemon support both IPv4 and IPv6, number of routing protocols (BGP, RIP,…

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Vagrant for network engineer

Vagrant for network engineer

I can’t remember when I really stumble upon Vagrant, but since that I use it often in learning process. Giving that at work I face some software routers and Cumulus switches, Vagrant became one of the most useful tool in my toolbox. But it can easily goes beyond such learning purposes. And it this post I will show you why and how to start. What is Vagrant Vagrant is a command line utility which makes workflow with virtual machines much…

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